- About Us
- ESG Commitment
ESG Commitment
We are committed to a world of sustainable progress and enduring cooling results.

ESG Report
BAC is proud to publish its second Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. Our report highlights the progress made on key initiatives, accomplishments, and targets necessary to achieve BAC’s vision of reinventing cooling to sustain the world.
BAC’s second ESG report reflects our commitment to transparency and updates our stakeholders on progress to date against our ESG goals and objectives. Unless otherwise noted, this report covers initiatives and performance associated with our global operations. All years listed in the report refer to fiscal years, starting on October 1st and ending on September 30th.
We welcome your feedback on our ESG strategy and this report. To share questions or comments, please contact:

Blue By Nature, Green by Heart
Baltimore Aircoil Company is the global leader in sustainable solutions for evaporative cooling, thermal storage, and heat transfer equipment. As a global leader, we are committed to a world of sustainable progress and enduring results.
Protecting the environment by reducing our impacts on the planet and increasing our positive influence as a leader in efficient, environmentally sustainable cooling is a responsibility and opportunity we take to heart.
It is BAC’s sustainability mission “to responsibly provide our products and solutions creating sustainable value for the world.”
The point of departure for BAC’s journey into the future is a set of commitments which are at the basis of our strategy.
Our sustainability commitments are long term goals we pursue in order to achieve our sustainability mission.
This strengthens our ability to successfully serve our customers, to promote a healthier environment and to advance our employees as well as the communities around us.

Focus Areas for Our Sustainability Efforts
- Develop and offer sustainable products
- Design and operate our facilities to minimize environmental impact
- Partner with suppliers to cultivate a sustainable supply chain
- Elevate diversity, equity, inclusivity, and safety in our work environment to enable our employees to grow, and make a positive impact on communities
- Be the recognized leading provider for sustainable heat transfer solutions
ESG report 2021
“We are very proud to publish our inaugural ESG Report where we, as the global leader in evaporative cooling, the most sustainable cooling technology in the market, have an obligation to innovate and lead the industry towards a more sustainable future,” said Don Fetzer, President of BAC. “Our ESG Report is one building block to our mission of advancing truly sustainable cooling – inspired by nature and powered by our people.”